
Pöördu julgelt EMA poole, proovime koos lahenduse leida

Telefon: +372 569 87 256

Abistavad küsimused

Tutvu allolevate juhtnööridega, et oma küsimust täpsustada ja leida tegutsemisjuhiseid.

  • What is the number of the cadastral unit of the forest in danger of felling and the name of the property?
  • How big is the area of this forest area?
  • What tree species grow there?
  • Which type of felling is to be used? The type of felling can be checked in the national register
  • Contact us if you want to know how to have a say in the master plan preparation process and what to do to preserve your living environment.
  • Feel free to contact EMA, because no worries are insurmountable. Let's try to find a solution together.
  • How to avoid game damage in the forest in a way that is friendly to nature and animals? 
  • Discovered an animal you'd like to know more about? Share a photo, video or description of the animal's activity with us!
  • I don't want to hunt in my country. What are my rights when standing up for animals in my country?
  • It is worth assessing the extent of the lesion, if already many trees have died
  • Prepare traps for controlling herons

The goal must first be set:

  • Keeping the forest as close to nature as possible
  • Finding a compromise between nature and economic activity

Kirjuta Meile

Kiireloomulised küsimused

Kõige kiireloomulisemate küsimustega seoses palume ühendust võtta Eesti Metsa Abiks juhatusega telefoni teel, ühendust saab võtta ka kirjalikult, aga kiireloomulistes küsimustes soovitame helistada.


Helena Eenok

Metsakaitse tegevuste juht, meediakontakt, juhatuse liige

+372 569 87 256